
Monday, October 4, 2010

A sensory experience!

I will bring my Dronk to school tomorrow...(what an adventure for him!) The aim with the dronk example below is to demonstrate that you really can make a text into a sensory experience! The student will of course write their own texts when they have listened to my example. (I'll bring a few objects to class)

A text that does not appeal to your senses:
I will now tell you about my Dronk. It is a cuddly toy that I have had since I was one year old. My mother made him before I was born and she gave it to me when I was brought back from the hospital. He has helped me out many times like falling asleep and have been useful in various fights I have had with my brother. He is as I mentioned very old and have only been washed once. He is now retired but he lives with me and he likes spending most of his time in one of my sofas.

A text that appeals to your senses (can you spot them?)
I will now tell you about an old loyal friend, he is rather worn out but he is still in one piece. It is my Dronk, a fantasy creature that has lived on this earth for centuries. My mother filled him not only with stuffings but also with love and this guardian angel’s fabric was almost glowing in the night. He always filled me with comfort when the sandman knocked on the door. He was not only good at calming me down but also was an important allied when me and my brother picked a fight. He would hurl through the air and the soft thud he made when he hit Erik’s face was very gratifying.
He is nowadays an old gentle creature that is as calm as a cucumber. His adventurous days are over and he now spends most of his days in a comfortable corner in one of my Sofa’s. However, his texture is still as soft as silk and 27 years of dust has given him an unique smell.


siri said...

Rolig text! Han e så söt, förstår att han hjälpe dig när du var ledsen! jag hade min hund Yoko :)

Erik said...

Han delade ut en hel del snytingar genom åren, dock är han ju ganska klen i jämförelse med min dronk ;)

Mamma said...

Din och Eriks dronkar är några timmar äldre än Matilda. Jag sydde i ögonen på din när jag hade värkar och snart skulle åka in till Östra sjukhuset för att föda din syster. Tänkte att ni kunde behöva varsin dronk när jag skulle bli upptagen med en baby. Skojig text! Och en varm fin beskrivning av betydelsen av en dronk.

Patrik said...

Haha, dessa dronker! Jag minns den tid när vi andra icke wässingar för första gången fock höra ordet dronk...back in the days :D