
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who is to blame?

The new survey from PISA shows that Swedish students are falling behind. I'm a teacher and I meet students everyday. I wouldn't say that our school system is broken and the result from PISA gives you a misrepresentation as it only focus on mesurable data, like grades. However, something is not as it should. The "lais a fair" mentality among many parents is definitely, according to me, an important factor. To let your kids do whatever they want while you are focusing more on your carrer, well that is a really bad equation. You could easily write a essay about this (hey Erik might be a subject for your next...^_^) but I do think we are making a big mistake by just pointing the finger to the school itself.

//The Teacher

1 comment:

Erik said...

Ja du kan jag ju kolla på i min nästa master. Helt klart ett trovärdigt förslag, verkligen... Nej men annars intressant text, lurigt det här med föräldrars ansvar. Håller med om att det kanske borde styras upp mer men också svårt att få med alla på tåget. Samhället i stort måste ta ett större ansvar... Åh lame svar men vad skall man säga?