Wow what a night in Auckland! Marina, Linda, Christine (the rest of the New Zealand crew) and I had great fun in Auckland this weekend. One thing which we told ourselves before the trip was that you should challenge yourself during the trip. Well my first challenge came yesterday as we went to a Japanese karaoke bar. We hired a room for two hours and screamed our heads off (that is true for me anyway). I was actually a bit nervous before the ordeal but I soon disappeared and my time in the lime light must have been when I sang Maria with Blondie and performed some a couple of exciting dance moves.
I’m really tired now and I’ll have my first lesson tomorrow so I better go to bed.
Cheers Markus
p.s picture: the new zealand crew :)
Great Stuff, vad blir nästa utmaning?
Låter bra det där med att ni ska utmana er själva!Kommer nästa utmaning idag (måndag) kanske? Utmaning eller inte, lycka till så väldigt mycket med första lektionen!!! Tror det kommer gå galant!
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