My new German friend and I started our journey to the bay of islands on Saturday. Our carrier, a tiny Mitsubishi from the early 80’s, took us from Auckland to the bay of island in just about three hours. Daniel had barley slept anything the previous night so I took over the wheel after 30 minutes. It usually takes some time to adjust yourself to left side driving which also includes left hand gear shifting but I’m an experienced left side driver as I’m drove a car in England for a whole year. I was seriously hungry when we arrived and my left knee was aching since the car had made a good job of limiting my tall legs. We had not arranged our accommodation for the first night so we set out to find somewhere to stay. All the backpackers (youth hostels) were full but we managed to find a nice motel for just 45 (250kr) dollars each. We were now both seriously hungry so we went to the supermarket and bought some food. The dinner consisted of grilled chicken and beef and a fresh salad. Yeah that is right we had a BBQ at the motel. It is apparently so that almost all motels and backpackers keep themselves with a good old gas grill (no coal…too much to preparations for the kiwis) The day was nicely finished off in the motel’s spa pool.
This is New Zealand! We took a four hour dolphin seeker cruise and we saw lots of dolphins after just 30 minutes. The boat continued to explore the bay of islands and our final destination was the world famous hole in the rock. Captain James Cook gave this cliff its name after well…its hole. The hole was so big so it was possible for our boat to pass trough. The highlight of our journey was when the boat dropped us off on one of the islands for an hour. We walked to the best viewing point and a stunning landscape with massive islands surrounded by glittering turquoise water meet our eyes. It was something like this I had in mind before I landed in New Zealand and the best thing is that there is so much to come.
The highlight of the last day must have been our visit to the stone store, a place where the first missionaries from England lived. I learnt about how the relationship with the Maoris developed and how it finally resulted in the birth of a nation in Waitangi, 1840. Check out this link to learn more.
See you
Mer bilder, ser ju super fint ut.
Svårt att fatta allt fantastiskt du får uppleva, men vad gör det, jag gläds med dig och de mysiga upplevelser du får ta del av.
Häftig bild! När jag förstorar den ser jag sandstränder,segelbåtar och ett otroligt vackert glittrande hav. Måste varit fantastiskt att uppleva det ännu större d v s i verkligheten.
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