The first day at a new school in a new country contained lots of new impressions and I was dog tired when I came home around 1630.
It all started with a powerful staff- meeting where the headmaster had a short speech over how excited he was about the new term. It was, after he had finished, possible to raise different topics by raising your hand. This is interesting since it created a positive atmosphere and it was clear that the headmaster had a clear vision for “his” school. Anyhow, I’m not the only teacher trainee at the school there are namely 5 girls from the Auckland area that are doing their practicum at the same time as me. My tutor seems like a nice person and we will have a lesson plan meeting on Wednesday since I’m going to carry out a couple of lessons then(!)
It was obvious who was in charge in the classroom. The teacher did every now and then tell the students off when they misbehaved in some way. It could for example be when they talked too loud or when they didn’t listen to what she had to say. It felt rather odd as I didn’t think their misbehavior required a rebuke from the teacher. But the class is rather noisy so doing nothing might not be a very good idea either. I think that I’ll find the right balance after the first week. It will be fun to tell them about Vikings, blizzards, November, and polar beers ;)
All for now
p.s I was tempted to taste one of the citrus fruits on my way to school...
Dom kommer sitta som små tända ljus när du berättar om vikingarna i norr! Växer citrusfrukterna vilt tro?
För att inte tala om när du berättar om pingvinerna och isbjörnarna på våra gator! :P
Sitter i skolan med en kaffe och ska jobba med spss.... Livet leker;)
maste kolla:)
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